The Subsidy
The SDE++ scheme is the successor to the SDE+ program. While there are some content changes, it primarily involves an expansion of the number of technologies that can benefit from the program. SDE++ stands for “Stimulation of Sustainable Energy Production and Climate Transition.”
Netherlands aims to reduce its CO2 emissions by 49% from 1990 levels by 2030, and by 95% by 2050. The SDE++ program is designed to help achieve these goals. It provides subsidies to businesses and (non-)profit organizations in sectors such as industry, transportation, electricity, agriculture, and the built environment. With this scheme, the government encourages both the production of sustainable energy and CO2 reduction. This ensures that the energy transition in the Netherlands remains feasible and affordable.
The Benefits
With the SDE++ scheme, the sustainable energy transition in the Netherlands is encouraged. The subsidy provides compensation for the unprofitable part of green electricity production. For each kWh of generated energy, you can receive a maximum of 8 cents for installations up to 1 MW and 7.4 cents for larger installations. This is referred to as the base amount. The base amount is adjusted with a correction amount, which depends on the development of electricity prices and the value of guarantees of origin. When electricity prices rise, the correction amount also increases. This ensures that you always receive an equal benefit from the energy generated by your solar panels.
The Conditions
Due to significant reductions in subsidy amounts, it is advised not to submit an application for installations of fewer than 300 panels.
In 2023, a budget of 8 billion euros is available.
The scheme is open until October 5th.